Wednesday 8 January 2014


Behold!!! What manner of love the father has given unto us that we should be called the sons of God. Where we are lifted to greatness and higher heights beyond our human reasoning, understanding and capabilities.
Where our past, who we were, where we came from nor what we had matters no more.

This love is shared abroad in our hearts and what matters is who Christ is to us, what he has become unto us, what he has done, where he has being to, what he can do and his mercy and grace.

Where we look not unto the expectation of the world to live but unto Jesus Christ who has written up and finished our faith; in whom we live, move and have our being for existence.
What manner of love, by which He has placed in us the Holy spirit as our seal of sonship, where what we believe with our heart and confess with our mouth becomes a reality to live with and by. Where are always victors no matter what situation we encounter.

This love of God has become great in us and remains forever.
May your heart be sensitized by the Holy spirit in you to feel more of the father's love and live in the reality of its rewards.
May you encounter the reality of the greatness and the greater heights made possible and available by Christ for you.

Stay blessed.
(richard eyison)

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