Monday 6 January 2014


'It is for freedom that Christ has set u free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery'.Gal 5:1
As a christian, you have to know that your salvation is real and so are all the benefits associated with the salvation you have.
Christ has set you free never to live in bondage and any form of slavery. You have a life of God that cannot be defeated by any form of slavery.
You need to know this all the time. Dont allow the devil to put a seed of unbelief and doubt in your heart.
What you see with your heart is more real than what the eye sees. Believe and see with uyour heart the freedom you have been endowed with.
Never let anxiety stop the flow of the Holy Spirit in you when times seem to be hard.No problem, curse, disease, etc has power over you and your freedom.
Let your heart always see and rejoice in the life of freedom you have now and beyond.
Believe it, it is very real.Christ has already suffered all your suffering for you, that's why He said on the cross "it is finished" .
Just take hold of your freedom and let your life be a wonder.

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