Monday 6 January 2014

Empowered unto glory through Christ

I am empowered to live from glory to glory and i take hold of this reality every present moment.
I don't focus much on the past because  its gone and i can't visit it any longer.
For tomorrow, i surely know it will always be there for me. I know i can face tomorrow because Christ lives and His life is what i am now living.

I have the life of Christ which assures me always of the hope of glory upon glory.
I no longer evaluate myself from a human point of view. I no longer look at the troubles we can see now but rather gaze on things that cannot be seen ; for the things we see now will soon be gone and are subject to change but those that cannot be seen will surely last forever.

Since Christ died and raised up for me, I now have an excellent meaning and reason for existence, His love is what keeps me happy and the Holy spirit present in me controls me and lifts me unto glory.
For all these, I can never give up; for though my body or physical condition might be dying I know my spirit is continuously being renewed seconds after seconds, minutes after minutes, hours after hours, days.... days, . The troubles of the present times are just small and won't last very long, yet they produce for me a glory that vastly outweighs the troubles themselves.

I no longer focus on the troubles i see now but rather focus and gaze on the victory already won for me by Christ. This I do through constant and ever increasing faith - which is the evidence of all the unseen realities available in abundance at my disposal.

I am glad for such a great light shining in my heart coupled with the tender love of God shared abroad in my heart. I am endowed with so great a treasure as a result of the life of God in me.

I live confidently coz i have received the spirit of love, of power and of sound mind.

[Ref. The Bible- the reality of the new life we have]

God bless you and live in the light of who you are after becoming the child of God.
I believe God has really spoken to you after reading this inspired note.


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