Tuesday 3 June 2014

Emotional affairs

When you have a relationship with the opposite sex that involves you doing virtually everything you do with your spouse or should do with your spouse minus a sexual act being involved,just know that you have become emotionally involved with that individual. 

Your spouse might know about the person but your spouse doesn't know about the extent of the relationship, and the details of what transpires between you and the person is kept as a secret from your spouse and every other person around you. 

Emotional affairs most times will lead to the real affairs where sexual activities takes place. It will be good for you to watch out for the signs so that you can nip it in the bud and not let it sink your marriage.

Some of the signs include a growing fondness in the heart for the individual usually more than you're presently feeling for your spouse. Most times,your expectations to see or talk to this individual overshadows the one you're presently feeling for your spouse.
Whatever the case may be,seek to do away with affairs in your marriage.

Credit :Marriage Is Beautiful and Sacred!
          -- Kalu Igwe

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