Thursday 27 February 2014


My Dad of blessed memory taught me a lesson once when i was quite young. I remember I had to replace the batteries in a TV remote control and I fixed the batteries facing the wrong sides. So obviously it did not work. My father noticed this and instead of correcting it himself here reprimanded me for acting ignorant. He said if you want to do something then do it well or don’t do it at all. Because in the battery slot was clearly inscribed the positive and negative signs. If I had taken the time to read I would have noted my mistake. I learnt that day that most of the time you have no excuses for ignorance or for doing something halfheartedly. I thank him for that valuable lesson early on.

But as you grow up you realize also that life is not all black and white. It is not always positive and negative signs.There are shades of grey in between and as brutal as life can be you learn from the experiences that come your way. It is really up to you to turn your test into a testament.

I have had the unfortunate non-privilege of being taught some hard life lessons in my lifetime and most especially in the past month. I have been made to feel I am not good enough at times or that I am not as efficient as I thought I was. I have felt at times like giving up because I am just not up to scratch. I have fixed my batteries the wrong side in and have cried knowing that my daddy would have disapproved. I have lain in bed wondering why I bother at all. I have lain in bed asking questions with no answers and in my moments of bitterness I have thought up plans worthy of a Hollywood movie. All this is just melodrama really when you step back and really think of it. But in my moments of darkness I have thought again of my daddy. He had been through much worse in his life and been hurt by the very people he so cherished. Yet never a day did I see him turn anyone away from our house. Never did he refuse a helping hand to those who caused him pain. He always rose above the occasion.
We say we are Christians yet when we are presented with opportunities to walk the talk we panic and we run. 
How else can you show the fruits of the spirit in you if you are not tested. How else can you say you have love if you cannot show love to your detractors? How else can you show joy and gentleness if you cannot let go of a pain so deep. How can you have peace if you cannot let God reign in all your affairs and just stay calm knowing indeed he is God? But talking is cheap. Acting is harder. I am human and I admit that I am struggling each day. I am struggling to shine in the midst of my darkness. I am struggling not to let fear envelope my heart and rather to let go and believe that God has got my back. Like I said talking is cheap for We Christians. I pray my daddy has peace and rest and I pray I can teach even half of the lessons he taught me to my children and other generations. But I also pray I learn my own life lessons and I come out victorious at the end knowing that indeed I walked the talk. To be honest one of the lessons you learn is to be more careful of people around you. Do not push them away or direct your anger towards them. But learn to draw a clear line and trust in God to watch your back.

I pray today for everyone hurting and in a less than desirous situation. That is life and some of these happen.  Am holding on believing God is going to come through for me and so should you. Let’s make a promise to each other to believe and have faith. We have no other choice but to do so. Because quite frankly experience or no experience, ignorance or knowledge, positive or negative signs, we can never match up to the infinite love and knowledge of the most high. May he lead and fight our battles for us. Remember no matter how dark the night may be......the dawn shall surely break bringing with it a new day. Once there is life there is hope.

Ps// everyone needs help once a while. its good to have a trusted network of friends and family to get you through tough times. God placed them in your life for a purpose.

Philippians 4:6-8

New Living Translation (NLT)
6 Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done. 7 Then you will experience God’s peace, which exceeds anything we can understand. His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus.

By Sharlon Owusu 

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