Tuesday 4 March 2014



Woman with eyes closed holding dish emitting steam (c) McMillan Digital ArtThe CHRISTIAN is not called to SELF DENIAL (because the New SELF is the New Creation,he denied the OLD SELF the day he became BORN AGAIN).

The UNBELIEVER is called to SELF DENIAL (because he spends all his life time trying to SELF MANAGE the OLD SINFUL NATURE (THE OLD SELF) which must be given up for a NEW SELF; ONE which is NOT SUBJECTED TO THE POWER OF SIN).

So here is the Call to THE BELIEVER, ''To UNDERSTAND the NEW SELF in Christ, to TRAIN and DEVELOP the NEW SELF in discipline by the Fellowship of the HOLY SPIRIT & to EMBRACE the LORDSHIP of THE WORD, to the end-- THE EXPRESSION of the Glory of the NEW SELF.

The Christian is not called to SELF DENIAL, he/she is called to the glory of SELF EXPRESSION in CHRIST. Until the paradigm is aligned this way, many believers will never grow beyond the milk of the Word. We are called to be the EXPRESSION of HIS IMAGE. God wants the gift of His Glory in you to fill the world for all men to see the beauty of His New Creation! Go EXPRESS yourself in Christ!!!...GO!  Let your Scent fill the Earth! 

Eric Kwaku Edem Damanka

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