Thursday 27 February 2014

If she agrees to cut the crap, Still WALK.

I seriously don't understand why anyone would ask me for relationship advice, but every now and then an innocent soul comes along, it never ceases to amaze me. how do i spell this out. Ok! check this out, am sure you're telling yourself "Johnny has an angle to what he's about to say, he's gonna say something ‪#‎SPIRITUAL‬, but i wont. he's gonna give me closure and tell me all is well, but seriously i wont. What am about to tell you, you won't like it, it might anger you, it is not #SPIRITUAL, but it's scriptural. Its going to be a "SEMI-LONG" post so bear with me.

A young guy walks up to me, seeing am so "#SPIRITUAL", and full of wisdom, and intelligence, and every good spice. He's having troubles in his relationship, the girl is giving him a hard time, she materialistic, mummy's girl, a diva, nearly feminist and seemingly "#SPIRITUAL, "how bad can one guy have it".

-- I Told you it will be semi-long --

So he looks up to me waiting for an answer, i'm trying to hide all the insults in my head, but am sure he see hope in my eyes, not my fault though God gave me beautiful eyes. Anyway so i tell him what any guy in his right mind will tell him considering his situation, the problem is this guy ‪#‎LOVES‬ this girl more than life, he apparently convinced himself this is the only girl for him, *sad *sad, just *sad. Lets look at the statistics:

1.Ratio of men to women, 1:6..."need i say more".
2.99% of the time your so called first love is you feeding yourself with rubbish.

-- I Told you this is not Spiritual --

At this point the guy is almost in tears, no no no! i don't comfort him. Not my style. So i do what any good guy will do, i give him three pearls.

1. Tell her to cut the crap, or u ‪#‎WALK‬.
2. If she agrees to cut the crap, Still #WALK.
3.#WALK no matter what, #WALK.

But you guess right, he doesn't listen to me. He claims he's in ‪#‎LOVE‬, so i let him be. Couple of months later he's back, his heart torn to shreds, put on an altar [not sacrificed, that will be mercy, no] beat to death. At this point you don't wanna know the insults i rained on him, very very bad. But it was all done in Love.

Let me quote a friend of mine, when i was going through my storm. "Sometimes when God is trying to tear you away from someone, dont be so bent on keeping it glued"

"Two cannot walk, unless they agree..."

-- I Told you it was Scriptural --

By Tawiah Dolphyne

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