Sunday 6 April 2014


Before i begin i must tell you this. The English language we know now is a derived language, meaning it evolves, in a few 100 yrs it will probably be spoken differently,words will have new meaning and all that. So kindly understand the use of some words i decide to use, else don't just read past this line.

L.O.V.E is a complicated thing, no one person has ever grasped the full meaning of it, except Christ ofcourse. Its not easy to Love someone unconditionally, "this is where the hypocrites go crazy", they go like:

Hypocrite: But Johnny i love people unconditionally, don't i?
Me : Whatever!

I've tried and its not easy. Now with that been said, its even more difficult to love someone who doesn't love you back, that's even worse, i should know, I've been there. "Here the hypocrites go crazy again."

Hypocrite: But Johnny if i show him/her more Love, they'll love me back.
Me : Whatever!

Knowing is more difficult than knowledge, because your knowledge maybe wrong, it's a 50/50 thing. But in knowing, its an undeniable instinct that u are not loved and there's nothing you can do about it.

Some of might have found yourselves in this FORTUNATE state, to know that you are not loved. Thats ok! I recommend that every Person should find themselves in this state at least once in their life, Its an eye opener. Some are also afraid to get to this state, to people in this category i have 3 words for you.

Me : "You need Help"

Lemme give you a remedy of how to love, hypocrites just don't want to accept this. Now the remedy is this:

"Train yourself to LET GO of everything you fear to loose"

Lemme repeat this just in case:

"Train yourself to LET GO of everything you fear to loose"

This is the best known secret known to man, for great accomplishments in every sphere of life. LEARN TO LET GO.

You need to understand that:

Your girlfriend might cheat on you
Your boyfriend might cheat on you
Your husband might try to kill you
Your wife might cheat on you.
*Your beloved Dog might steal your Meat

So what!

In other to truly love and be loved you just need to let your partner go,
NB. I don't mean be heartless

But know that they can let you down and loved them all the same. Never be afraid to let go, Am sure like me your heart has been broken many times. But instead of deciding to kill yourself it can be a lesson for you, you could learn from that experience to love better next time.

Its a hard concept to grasp when your life revolves around a single person who finds it irrelevant. you will find yourself in a good position just by releasing yourself from the fear of letting go

**This post is getting to long, so am gonna end with this.**

The universe works in strange ways "The moment you stop looking for Utopia, its in that moment you fall into Utopia."

I don't claim to have arrived, like you i too am searching.


by Tawiah Dolphyne

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