Friday 20 June 2014

Dont quit

Dont Quit

Sunday 8 June 2014

Healing Emotional Wounds

One day when I was still a small child, I noticed a tiny bruise on my thy. I took it for granted thus did not treat it at all. Before very long it festered and grew up to be a big wound which inflicted so much of pain upon treatment.
You can never escape physical wounds neither emotional wounds. Humans are emotional beings and it’s not a silly feeling to have emotional hurts. Research says emotional hurts we experience in our childhood has a lot to do with our present way of dealing with others, our self esteem, marriage life and many other areas. Just becoming a Christian cannot heal your emotional wounds, but you have to deal with it and allow God to help. This is called inner healing.
Some people go to psychiatrics, counselors and other professionals in search of emotional healing. But do you know that Jesus died for you so that your emotional wounds will be healed? Let us see the influence of unhealthy emotions and how you can look up to Jesus for help?

1.Unhealthy emotions cause serious damage to any person

I know a very skilled English Teacher who was sacked from the school due to a complaint made by parents. This lady had physically abused a child by beating him. It did not stop there. She became a private tutor and abused all the small children who came to her. She was used to hate girls. Later we learned of her past which made her to be the person that she is today.
Her father whom she loved most died while she was a teenager. Mother never loved her, very soon started dating another guy. It was too late when they found out the teenage daughter is pregnant because of her mother’s boyfriend. She gave birth to a baby boy. They managed to keep it as a secret, but this woman lost her self esteem, confidence and faith in God.

2. Unhealthy emotions are roots of suicide

Sri Lanka has a very high suicide record. Research has found many people think of suicide as a way out of hurt and shame. This could happen because of an unfaithful husband, a broken love relationship etc. Suicide doesn’t take your shame away, it rather exhibits.
Wounds of defeat and shame were inflicted on King Saul by the Philistines in the battle of Gilboa. He took his own life to overcome the shame and the pain of loosing his self image. Suicide did not remove his shame; instead the Philistines hung his body to cause more disgrace and shame (1 Samuel 31:1-13). Failure is not the end. You need not continue in the pain of wounds and shame from failure.

3. Unhealthy emotions trigger revenge

This is what happened to  Lamech in Genesis 4:23. Revenge does not ease your pain. It rather makes it more painful.

4. Unhealthy emotions cause physical illness

A true story is told about a couple who lost their only child because of a young drunkard driver. The young man who honestly repented for his sin and later on became a born again Christian. But the father somehow got the boy behind bars, thinking revenge will bring him peace of mind. It didn’t and this went on for years until the doctors found that he has a cancer. The prayers prayed asking for heeling were not answered. One day some one prophesied that God has already healed him but an unforgiving feeling  is hindering the process. He reconciled to the young man that killed his daughter and the cancer miraculously disappeared.

Conclusion and application

How to experience Jesus’ power over my troubled emotions?

5. Let Jesus to heal your wounds

‘He was wounded for our transgression’ (Isaiah 53:5)
Jesus died on the so that our emotions will have access to healing as well as our physical bodies. The pain is so hard to bear as it is caused by people whom we love and trust most. Jesus knows how you feel? He was betrayed, rejected, denied, deserted and murdered by his own people-People whom He loved so much.
He came to what was his own, but his own people did not receive him. John 1:11
Jesus was crucified and put to death. But He lives forever for God raised Him from the death. Therefore come to the savior and confess your hurts. Simply believe  and ask Jesus to help you to quit being a victim and forgive the people that hurt you.

6. Let the time to do it’s job

Remember, as if any physical wound takes time to heal, emotional hurts need time too. Some times healing is a long process. Patiently wait upon the Lord and his love.

7. Forgive those who have hurt you

The healing power and love of Jesus can heal you completely, unless you let the spirit of un-forgiveness to stand on the way. A spirit of un-forgiveness is an open invitation to the Devil to come in and manipulate your pain for his own advantage. To forgive means to forget. Jesus said
‘Father, please forgive them; for they do not know what they are doing’ (Luke 23:34)
Forgiving is the first step of the long process called healing. Fail to forgive and you will not be healed. Joseph was harassed by his brothers as a teenager. Later after he became the governor he had 2 choices. To revenge his brothers or to forgive them for their wrong doing. Joseph chose the latter. (Genesis 37:17Genesis 45:3Genesis 45:4-5)

8. Seek counseling from godly people

Sometimes in addition to praying and forgiving confessing our secrets becomes necessary. Sharing your hurt with a trustworthy person and receiving godly counseling restores your soul.


Tuesday 3 June 2014

Emotional affairs

When you have a relationship with the opposite sex that involves you doing virtually everything you do with your spouse or should do with your spouse minus a sexual act being involved,just know that you have become emotionally involved with that individual. 

Your spouse might know about the person but your spouse doesn't know about the extent of the relationship, and the details of what transpires between you and the person is kept as a secret from your spouse and every other person around you. 

Emotional affairs most times will lead to the real affairs where sexual activities takes place. It will be good for you to watch out for the signs so that you can nip it in the bud and not let it sink your marriage.

Some of the signs include a growing fondness in the heart for the individual usually more than you're presently feeling for your spouse. Most times,your expectations to see or talk to this individual overshadows the one you're presently feeling for your spouse.
Whatever the case may be,seek to do away with affairs in your marriage.

Credit :Marriage Is Beautiful and Sacred!
          -- Kalu Igwe